"O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I plead my case to you, and watch."
This fifth Psalm is a Psalm of David and, in contrast to our previous two psalms, which were night prayers, this is a morning prayer. Verse 3 reminds us to root our presence in God from the moment we get up. We can cry out to him with our troubles (verse 1) and know that he will be there for us. It is not only the start of the day we are thinking about, it can be thought of as the start of our journey with God. We need to orientate ourselves, and daily re-orientate, in God’s direction, to figure out the path he calls us to. Daily, we need to discern the right way to live and help him take us the steps along a path with many ups and downs. It is sometimes hard to follow the right path when there are many distractions, “fake news” and obsession with people’s private lives in newspapers and social media. What IS the right thing to do? Often, a walk in nature can really ground us in what is important and bring us close to God’s own nature and set our own inner compass Godwards. May you start today in God’s presence without fear.
This is a suitable prayer for the morning.
Inside or outside (weather permitting) or even comfortably curled up in bed! Sit comfortably but alert if you are in a sitting position– feet flat on the floor, back pushed hard against the back of the chair. Hold a stone or pebble to remind you of God’s presence.
Pay attention to in-breaths and out-breaths. You may think of breathing in God’s life and peace and breathing out any tension.
Let your aches and pains be there. Rest your hands in your lap ; you don’t need to be doing anything with them now. Rest your feet on the floor; you don’t need to go anywhere. Shrug your shoulders, ease your neck. Take time to become still…
Don’t try to analyse it. Read it again slowly, listening.
Sit quietly and see whether anything about it strikes you as important for you. Tell God what it is. Ask God for what you need. Make a note of anything you want to remember.
Lord, protect us form the deceit of flattering tongues and lying lips; give us words of life which speak your truth and bless your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Posted on August 25th 2021